Network Time Foundation maintains a vast amount of freely available resources spanning over 30 years from the initial design documents for NTP to the present day discussions and documentation for NTF’s supported projects.
Social Media
- LinuxPTP:

Professional Support
Professional support, including implementation and deployment consulting, support for older NTP stable releases, NTP infrastructure design/analysis/review, timekeeping requirements analysis, and leap second preparedness, is available.
Network Time Foundation’s support service pricing is based on installation size. If contacting NTF regarding support pricing, please indicate the existing/planned number of devices that depend on time.
Software Support Service Subscriptions
- Advance Security Notifications
- Advance Security Patch Access
Development Input
- Feature Priority Planning
- Priority Bugfixes
Consulting Services
- Software Development
- Technical Support
- ntp.conf file design/analysis/review
- Event Speaking/Presentations
- Training: